Facebook has close to 3 billion active users. Other platforms are in the hundreds of millions. Social media management is the process of managing your online interactions and content across these social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest. These channels have the ability to connect and engage with millions of people who have an interest in your product or service. If you are looking to leverage these touch-points in order to increase your reach but do not have the time to manage it, our team of social media experts can help.
Critical research is the first step taken with a client. Our comprehensive Initial Social Media Analysis Reports lay the foundation for the strongest social media success possible and determine the best path in achieving greater brand exposure. The analysis is an extreme amount of information we need to collect in order to take action and direction with your social profiles. It takes us approximately two to three weeks to aggregate the below data, then we deliver the reports to you in an online meeting format. These reports allow all parties to understand the scope of the project and will allow us to write a Strategic Social Media Marketing Plan. Once this plan is complete, you'll receive an official quote for ongoing social media management, but until that point it is only guesswork as to the amount of effort that will be necessary to attain success. That's why we start with a baby step of noncommittal research. After that stage is complete, you'll know what it's like to interact with our professional social media management team, you'll have a great amount of knowledge about the opportunity and obstacles, and we'll know what it'll take to help you achieve the success you want. These reports include:
Comprehensive Social Media Profile Review
We provide detailed suggested changes to optimize organic exposure to your social media profiles. How a profile setup is weighed into Facebook/Instagram’s formulas heavily. Not as much for other networks.
Social Media Content Calendar (1 Month)
We will provide content type suggestions for social media platforms based on what we see working best in your industry. We will build it out along with a recommended posting schedule.
Social Media Keyword/Hashtag Research
Your hash tagging strategy is crucial for gaining as much organic social media exposure as possible. We have found our hash tagging strategy in addition to growing your organic social exposure also compliments SEO via social signaling whenever we are posting content that links back to your site.
Best Practices Writeup
Moreover, we will provide you with a formal write-up detailing the best practices for managing social media in your industry.
Now that we've conducted our research, we'll start by looking at what we know about your audience. What type of content will they best identify with? We'll develop engaging and thought-provoking content that speaks to their needs. Engagement and response will be a consistent part of our management of your social media. We may even reach out to fans and followers to kick start conversations. If there are questions and concerns posted to your page, we'll handle those in your brand tone and voice. Depending on the company, we may even leverage contests or sweepstakes to engage your audience. All of this will be mapped out in our social media management strategy that we provide.
All of our SEO projects have custom pricing based on your specific needs and the amount of work it will take to get you an ROI.
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